


That Book Your Mad Ancestor Wrote

(short fiction and poems), Dec 2012
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The Etched City

  • Prime Books, Canton Ohio USA; ISBN 1-894815-22-X (tpb), Feb 2003.
  • TOR UK, London UK; ISBN 1405041609 (tpb), Jan 2004; ISBN 0330427105 (pb), Feb 2005.
  • Spectra, New York USA. ISBN 0-553-38291-8 (tpb), Dec 2004. ISBN 0-553-90083-8 (ebk), Dec 2004.
  • Moć Knije, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro; as Ugravirani Grad; Serbian translation by Mia Živković; ISBN 86-83509-49-4 (pb), 2004.
  • Fanucci Editore, Rome, Italy; as Petali e Sangue (Petals and Blood); Italian translation by Eleonora Lacorte; ISBN 8834711033 (hb), 2005.
  • Naklada Enigma, Croatia; as Urezani Grad; Croatian translation by Marina Gršković; ISBN 9536943131 (hb), 2005.
  • Uitgeverij M, Amsterdam, Netherlands; as Stad in Scherven (City in Shards); Dutch translation by Annemarie van Ewyck; ISBN 9022542947 (pb), Jan 2006.
  • Bibliópolis Fantástica, Madrid Spain; as La Ciudad del Grabado; Spanish translation by Fabricio González Neira;ISBN 849617350X, March 2006
  • Laser-books, Prague, Czech Republic; as Vryté Město; Czech translation by Milan Žáček; ISBN 8071932140, September 2006
  • Tritonic, Bucharest, Romania; as Oraşul Gravat; Romanian translation by Mihai Samoilă and Mircea Pricăjan; ISBN 973-733-100-1 (pb), September 2006
  • L’Atalante, Nantes France; as Aquaforte; French translation by Jean-François le Ruyet; ISBN 2-84172-344-5 (tpb), September 2006
  • Piper Verlag, Munich; as Stadt des Wahnsinns; German translation by Birgit Reß-Bohusch; ISBN 978-3-492-29158-3 (pb), June 2007
  • MAG, Warsaw; as Akwaforta; Polish translation by Michaeł Jakuszewski; ISBN 978-83-7480-086-0 (hb), June 2008
  • Fullon, Taiwan; as 蝕刻之城; Traditional Chinese translation by 周沛郁; ISBN 978-98-6653-548-2, January 2010

Short Stories & Novellas

The Art of Dying
The Love of Beauty
The Memorial Page
On the Origins of the Fragrant Hill
Beach Rubble
Maldoror Abroad (Short Version)
Maldoror Abroad (Full Version)
We the Enclosed
  • Leviathan 4, ed. Forrest Aguirre Nov 2004, Nightshade Books, ISBN 1892389827 (hb), ISBN 1892389797 (lhb)
Between the Covers
Silk and Pearls
Last Drink Bird Head
The Heart of a Mouse
Saving the Gleeful Horse


The Crone Meets Her Son (on a battlefield)
An Affair in Babylon
  • Electric Velocipede
When the Lamps are Lit
  • Electric Velocipede


Introduction to Babylon
Introduction to The Eldritch Kid: Whisky & Hate
Whose Words You Wear

Awards and nominations

The Etched City
  • IAFA William L. Crawford Fantasy Award, 2004
  • World Fantasy Award, Novel, 2004 – nomination
  • Ditmar Award, Novel, 2004
  • Ditmar Award, Best New Talent, 2004
  • Aurealis Award, Fantasy Novel, 2004 – nomination
  • International Horror Guild Award, First Novel, 2004 – nomination
  • Locus Award, First Novel, 2004 – nomination
  • John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, 2005 – finalist
  • John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, 2006 – finalist
  • Aurealis Award, Fantasy Short Story, 2005 – nomination
The Heart of a Mouse
  • Aurealis Award, SF Short Story, 2011
That Book Your Mad Ancestor Wrote
  • Aurealis Award, Collection, 2013