New Work

Two new bronze pieces, “Lovers’ Lane” and “Bluebird”. When I first made the model for Lovers’ Lane it wasn’t holding anything, just gesturing in the air — then eventually the second mask came along. Bluebird’s colour is a pigmented patina. I want to get some better photos, but these will do for now.

Posted in Art

7 thoughts on “New Work

  1. Such joy! Lovers’ Lane would have been wonderfully graceful even without the implied lover, but I love the ambiguity of his narrative now: contemplating self? contemplating an absent or imagined other?

    And Bluebird just makes me feel so light of heart. Beautiful turquoise patina.

    1. I like it when they can inspire different stories. My version is that he found the mask down a lane and now they’re getting to know each other. I’m planning a second edition in coloured patinas, of which a couple will probably have Bluebird’s colouring (or a paler version thereof) on the clothes.

  2. Hi Kirstin, While I was in Daylesford with my daughter in February I couldn’t resist buying Lover’s Lane.
    I just want you to know how much we love your work and that Kate has put her name on it for further down the track!!!!
    Take care in these very strange times.
    Kind regards,

    1. Nice to make your acquaintance, Susan! I hope the sculpture will provide enjoyment for many years to come. I must admit I’m looking at my masked figures in a slightly new light these days. I hope to have some new pieces ready to cast when times are more normal again. You take care too!

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